Introducing: 1000 Better Stories Podcast
Introducing: 1000 Better Stories Podcast

Introducing: 1000 Better Stories Podcast

The 1000 Better Stories Podcast shares stories of community-led climate action in Scotland to help us all imagine a better future. We think you might like it!

Often against significant odds, many communities are implementing locally developed solutions to meeting local needs. The Scottish Communities Climate Action Network wants to help tell and amplify these diverse, inspiring stories of change to a broader audience.

They share these stories on a podcast and a blog, and are open to contributions from diverse storytellers in both written and audio formats.

Wild for Scotland host Kathi Kamleitner was awarded a storytelling mini-grant this summer to produce an episode of 1000 Better Stories about community-led seagrass restoration project Seawilding in Argyll.

The episode is called ‘It Takes a Village: How Seawilding is Rewilding Loch Craignish’. Kathi reports on her summer visit to the Wild Seas Weekend in Argyll and the Seawilding project which is fast becoming a template for community-led marine regeneration efforts around Scotland’s coastline. Her interview partner is Philip Price from Seawilding.

Listen here:

This story was funded through the SCCAN’s mini-grant programme. Get in touch on if you are considering applying for one.

Seagrass on Wild for Scotland:

Also listen to ‘All That Could Be‘, an immersive journey below water to snorkel through a seagrass meadow and explore native oyster beds by paddleboard.

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